
Get better Ryan, Cole, Ross, and Hunter!

Season Over

Friends, another season is finished.
      While it didn't end as we had hoped we can't complain too much about how great our team played this year. Our staff pitched like aces and our batters scored us enough runs for 103 wins, a team record. I still believe this was the best Phillies team that they have ever fielded. Unfortunately they ran into a dry spell in the playoffs, were the pitchers were slightly vulnerable and batters just couldn't quite get their hits. Still, it really was a great season. Losing 1-0 in 5 games while heartbreaking is not something be ashamed of.

    Looking ahead I personally hope they are able to retain Rollins and Madson, they are two of my favorite Phillies. I'm looking forward to Brown starting opening day in left field, and of course Joey B taking the hill next season. I suppose it's time to say goodbye to Ibanez, Oswalt, Lidge, and Gload. While they all had their moments I don't think losing them will be a huge blow to our chances next year. We still get to trot out Halladay, Lee, Hamels every three days next year- I like our chances.

It was a great ride 2011, we'll miss ya.


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